# Setting up the Engine

# Dependencies

All platforms:

Windows Only:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio Community (Refer to step 3 of setup for installation tutorial)

# First setup

  1. Install git-scm and Haxe

  2. Setup platform

  • Windows: Run the following commands
cd ..
curl -# -O https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/3105fcfe-e771-41d6-9a1c-fc971e7d03a7/8eb13958dc429a6e6f7e0d6704d43a55f18d02a253608351b6bf6723ffdaf24e/vs_Community.exe
vs_Community.exe --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.19041 -p
del vs_Community.exe
  1. Run the setup script located in art/scripts/setup-PLATFORM

  2. Build the game

  • Run the command lime test PLATFORM, where platform is where you are building the engine for (ex: Windows, HTML5, Linux)
  • First time you build the engine will take longer than usual, so don't worry and be patient!