# Custom Characters

# Adding your assets

Firstly, place your character in their own folder in assets/images/characters/. You aren't required to make a new folder but it helps organizing so we recommend you do so!

After that, place their icon in assets/images/icons/ with the name icon-YOUR_CHARACTER_NAME.

Every character has a json file that holds their animation offsets, aswell as global, camera and rating positions. These are named after the character (Ex. bf.json) and are located in assets/images/_offsets/. These are made with the engine's Character Editor.

# Coding your characters

Code for the characters is handled by Character.hx, which is situated in the gameObjects Source folder. For more info on how the Source folder is structured, click here.

# Basic code

To add your new character, you need to add a new case to the switch statement around line 54. Here's the basis on how it works. Feel free to copy this into your code and edit it accordingly.

case "character":
	doidoChar.spritesheet += 'character/sprite';
	doidoChar.anims = [
		["idle", 	 'idle', 24, true],

		["singLEFT", 'left', 24, false],
		["singDOWN", 'down', 24, false],
		["singUP",   'up', 	 24, false],
		["singRIGHT",'right',24, false],

# Animations

The anims array works under this format. You can use this as a reference to add custom animations.

  • ANIMATION_NAME is what you want to name your animation inside the game
  • ANIMATION_PREFIX is what your animation is called in it's .xml spritesheet
  • FRAMERATE is what framerate the animation is gonna play at (we recommend you use 24)
  • LOOPED decides if the animation should loop when it reaches the end (for singing or other mid-song animations, set this to false)
  • [FRAMES] is an array of which frames of the animation should be played. Normally you can leave this out but this is useful for GF/speaker type characters.

# Other variables

Your character might need other variables to make it work right.

  • The scale of a character can be changed with scale.set(width,height);
  • Like other engines, if your character is facing the left (Like BF or Pico), you should set flipX to true.
  • idleAnims allows you to change which idle animation(s) the character uses. For example, Skid and Pump use ["danceLeft", "danceRight"] to give them their dance. If you have more than one idle anim, you should set quickDancer to true.
  • antialiasing allows you to disable smoothing on the character, giving them a more "jagged" look.
  • isPixelSprite is used to determine if a character is Pixel Art or not. Use this for characters like Senpai or BF-Pixel
  • deathChar allows you to set a separate character as a death sprite.
  • isAnimateAtlas determines if the character uses an Atlas as its format. Sprite format guide is in the works so please be patient!

# Adding your character to the charList

After coding your character, you still need to add it to the engine's internal list. Simply go over to CoolUtil.hx, and add your character's name to the charList() function.

# Finalize Character

The final steps to making a character are to edit their offsets and to configure their Health Icon.

Character Editor
Health Icons